External partnerships
Our passion for what we do extends investing in our trusted networks. We’re committed to building strong and mutually beneficial PPM partnerships and collaborations around the world.
If you’d like to help us expand our Bubble PPM software into new territories, or connect us to emergent sector trends in Project, Portfolio or Innovation Management, please get in touch.
PPM Partnerships
Web: https://ppvc.net
Project & Portfolio Value Creation (PPVC)

Partner type: Reseller
Regions: Global
Bubble has formed a global partnership with PPVC in which PPVC will offer clients Decision Analysis & Portfolio Management training and capability building while Bubble will offer its Project & Portfolio Management software solution. Working closely with each other, it is expected that both Bubble and PPVC will be able to provide customized solutions to clients who are trying to build or improve their Project Management, Resource Management, and Portfolio Management, competencies.

Richard is a 25-year veteran of Project & Portfolio Managenment within industry. Prior to founding his boutique consulting, training and education practice Project & Portfolio Value Creation (PPVC Inc.) he was Vice President, Portfolio Management & Decision Analysis Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development.
He also spent 11 years building and leading departments in Strategic Planning, Decision Analysis, and Portfolio Management at Merck & Co., Bayer Corp. and AG, Bristol-Myers Squibb. A frequent speaker in ‘Portfolio & Resource Management, Risk Analysis & Risk Management, and Strategic Planning, he is an Advisory Board Member to Cambridge Healthtech Institute, an adjunct faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania and delivers workshops on ‘Portfolio Management of Innovative Products’ for the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School in Belgium, and on ‘Project Management & Project Leadership’ in China.
Dr. Bayney obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of London, MBA from Columbia University, and PMP from the Project Management Institute.
His other specialist topics include Decision Modeling, Risk Management and Business, Strategy and Scenario Planning services and he is co-author of the recently published book Enterprise and Project Portfolio Management, Building Competencies for R&D and IT Investment Success (J. Ross Publishing September 2012).
Perception Partners & Intellar®

Partner type: Reseller
Regions: Worldwide
Bubble has formed a worldwide partnership with Perception Partners to offer clients Intellar® competitive intelligence dashboards for any project in Bubble’s Project and Portfolio Management software solution. When aligned, Bubble and Intellar will help clients continuously curate, categorize and quantify competitive technology trends & market intelligence across global patents, technical literature and news.

Barry Brager is the Founder of Perception Partners, Inc. and serves as its Managing Partner.
Perception Partners helps clients fully leverage innovation and intellectual property with technology investment, business development and transactional Solution Suites that have supported decisions related to more than $1 billion in financial transactions.
He also serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Starpound Corporation.
External Collaborations
Agility Innovation
Paul Hobcraft is an Innovation Management expert and well respected Innovation Blogger. Recognized for his consistency to champion and inform on innovation, he focuses on building innovation capacity, competencies and capabilities. A frequent writer Paul blogs under the name paul4innovating, where he regularly publishes his thinking and research based on his professional advisory, coaching and consulting work at www.agilityinnovation.com
Paul is a thought leader collaborator to Bubble Group. Providing Innovation insights and acting as a sounding board, he is one of group of external advisers with whom we engage with on an ad-hoc basis (for example where our combined insights and experiences can deliver solutions that are greater than the sum of the whole).
In the next few months it’s our intention to create some co-written Innovation articles and blog posts to add to the website.
NOTE: Paul knows of Innovator™ (our Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (PPM) solution), but has no commercial incentives to recommend our software over others.
Paul is also an Innovation Management leader at The Leadership Network, a leadership and management training provider.